Wednesday, May 27, 2015


taking advantage of every available moment

a half an hour before dinner must be made

maybe an hour on the weekend

after all there's still gardening to do

some activities take only a few moments

it's finally warm enough to glue
I figured, why not let gravity help out a bit

then laying the slab out, constantly checking for wind

I'm grateful there is no other jointing to be done

there is an entire top to flatten
I did end up with a touch of wind, and a bit of a hump on one end
a few more half hour shifts
I learnt to spin the slab on the base
probably not good for the base

speaking of which

a new pair of upper stretchers had to be made

ancient two-by's work for this

slotted lag bolt joinery all the way
and it's whole again

days of details await

till then