Friday, November 23, 2018


yes folks it's that time of year...

the temps are back to forgiving and there's some sawing and planing to do!

secret new favorite tools

found I could rip one eight foot slab in ten minutes...



scribble on it a bit...

then chop the tenon cheeks, no problem

ripping the waste, on the other hand, gonna have to get creative

please don't let OSHA know about this

the idea to do this arrived after a catastrophic bout with a Japanese saw and the complete mental breakdown and near abandonment of the whole damn thing

not bad though, huh?

La de da, life goes on, chop the waste...

marvel in your "craftsmanship"

suck it up because you know nobody including those in hell will ever ever ever see this joint again after you destroy the photos of it

really put that new hammer to good use

check to make sure you went far enough

and then, conversely, worry that you've gone too far

yay, all that work and there's nothing to show for it!

'cept it doesn't budge even dry

yup, time to move on




grooves in lower rail to accept panel

next up: panel joinery